How to create a dashboard numerical type filter [v11]

Version: Yurbi v11
Role: Agent and higher
Permission:  Agent with view permission to the dashboard

In this guide, we'll focus on crafting numeric-based filters. These filters are often used to segment data based on numeric values such as price, identification numbers, profit, etc.

All images shown are just an example. Names, fields, and values will be dependent on the organization and the user logged-in.

Let us dive right into the process of setting up a numeric filter:

Click on New Filter, located in the filter bar region of your dashboard.

Type in your desired Filter Name.

Select Numeric for your Filter Type.

The available fields for filtering will update based on the selected Filter Type.
The available fields for filtering will update based on the selected Filter Type.

Your Filter Index will be automatically populated.

The Filter Index represents the order of your
filters. Each new filter will increment this index automatically.  If you want to re-order your filter, you would
change this value.  
The Filter Index represents the order of your filters. Each new filter will increment this index automatically.  If you want to re-order your filter, you would change this value.  

By default, Smart Filter is turned off.

Here is a more in-depth article on Smart Filter

Under Selected Filtered Field, click Show for each widget listed

Check the field this filter should apply to.  A single filter can only apply to 1 field per report.

Each box represents a report on the dashboard. As an agent with view permission, you cannot control what fields are shown.
Each box represents a report on the dashboard. As an agent with view permission, you cannot control what fields are shown.

TIP: Ideally, you'll want to tick the same box for every field. But no worries if a checkbox field doesn't appear! Your dashboard data will remain consistent and accurate.

Under Criteria Builder, click on Create.

Criteria Builder is used to construct your
Criteria Builder is used to construct your filter

By default, Logical is set to AND and Conditional is set to IS

Under Operator, you can choose BETWEEN and EQUAL.


A BETWEEN will give you a numerical search box where you can type in the value once in the dashboard.

Leave the Between fields blank

Ensure that Prompt for Value is unchecked

Click Add to table

Click Save

In the dashboard, it will look like this

To activate these filters, click on the star
icon of your chosen filter.    
To activate these filters, click on the star icon of your chosen filter.    

Remember to save each time you make changes, either to overwrite or save as a new one.


For EQUAL, you can either get a dropdown list or a search box.

Equal Operator: Search box 

To get a search box filter under EQUAL operator, choose Custom Values

Uncheck Enable Get Values List

By default,  Target Report is clear.

This is how it will look.
This is how it will look.

Click Add to table

Click Save

activate these filters, click on the star icon of your chosen filter.
To activate these filters, click on the star icon of your chosen filter.

Equal Operator: Dropdown List

To get a dropdown list filter under EQUAL operator, choose Custom Values

Check Enable Get Values List

Provide Values Report List by clicking Select Target

Locate the report you want to use. This may be under the public or private subsection within sub-folders.

Click on the selected report you want to use.

TIP: You can select your preferred arrangement of data under Values Sort Order.

Click Add to table

Click Save

To activate these filters, click on the star
icon of your chosen filter.
To activate these filters, click on the star icon of your chosen filter.

On the dashboard, it will look like this

And there you have it! You now know how to create a numerical filter!

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