How to save or overwrite an existing dashboard saved view [v11]

Version: Yurbi v11
Role: Agent and higher
Permission:  Agent with view permission to the dashboard

Saving a view allows you to keep hold of your filter settings for future use. This is particularly useful if you have configured multiple filters (text-based, date-based, or numeric-based) on your dashboard.

You can save your settings in two ways: by creating a new view (Save As) or by replacing an existing one (Overwrite). The option to choose depends on whether you are a dashboard owner or not.

It is also important to know if you are working with a Global View, set up and managed by the Dashboard Owner, or a Personal View, which is customized by and for you. Personal Views are only visible to you when logged in.

Saving a View as New

Both dashboard owners and non-owners can use this feature.

Let us dive into the process:

Click the Save this View button located on the far right of the main screen.

A drop-down menu will appear. Within this menu, click the Save As button.

Create a name for your new view

Click the Save

Your newly saved view can be found under the Saved Views button.

Overwriting an Existing View

This feature is only accessible to dashboard owners.

Let us dive into the process:

Click the Save this View button located on the far right of the main screen.

Overwrite Existing View option is only available if you already have a saved view under the Saved Views button. If not, you’ll only see the Save As option.
Overwrite Existing View option is only available if you already have a saved view under the Saved Views button. If not, you’ll only see the Save As option.

From the drop-down menu, click the Overwrite Existing View button.

This action will save and display the new or updated view and replace the old one in the Saved Views list.
This action will save and display the new or updated view and replace the old one in the Saved Views list.

To see your updated view, click on the Saved Views button and select it.

And there you have it! Now you can save or overwrite an existing view to save your filter configurations!

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