Setup Library Folder Structure – Department/Multi-Tenant Environments

Yurbi has the flexibility in security to support both simple and complex use cases.

If you are planning to use Yurbi across teams, departments, or have your customers access the Library, there are a few key steps to take:

  1. Create one or more security groups for each specific audience (ie, each customer).
  2. An admin should create all Parent Folders for each specific audience.
  3. Apply the security groups to each folder as appropriate.
  4. Enable Tenant Mode in the Appsettings file on the Yurbi Server.

By enabling Tenant mode,  you essentially limit all users to only the groups they are a member of.

This means:

  • They only see the folders and reports their group is assigned to.
  • If they have folder modify permissions, they can only add or remove groups they are a member of.
  • When a Builder saves a report, they can only share that report with groups they are a member of.
  • When anyone schedules a report, they can only include users who are members of their groups.

This ensures that all your teams, departments, and customers are isolated from each other while all sharing the same Yurbi server.

If you have shared reports and dashboards that all your teams, departments, and customers to share, what we recommend is the following setup:

  1. Create a Shared Content Group and give everyone Read-Only permissions.
  2. Create a folder/sub-folder structure for your shared content and apply the Read-Only permission group.

You could stop right there, but if you have a father requirement to allow your users to edit canned content to customize for their own needs,  follow these additional steps:

  1. Create a security group per team, department, or customer.  Give agents read-only, give Builders modify permissions.
  2. Create a parent folder per team, department, or customer.

What this will allow is that each tenant will have a place where their Builders can copy your read-only canned content, edit it, save it in their tenant folder, and share the modified report or dashboard with all the agents and members of their tenant.

In this video, we will walk you through the setup of a tenant-based security group and library structure.  And show you how to turn on Tenant Mode (and the impact if you don’t).

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