Items in bold indicate most frequently used API calls. Items without a description and hyperlink are currently being documented and will be updated here when available. Please contact [email protected] for immediate assistance.
- Schedule
- Dashboard
- Export
- RegServers
- App
- Contact
- AppBuilder
- Login
- AdHocField
- Audit
- Report
- Content
- License Manager
- Profile
- Embed
- DataFile
- Library
- Group
- Session
- AppShield
- Values
API | Description |
POST api/Schedule/GetScheduleServicesList | |
POST api/Schedule/GetScheduledReportsForContact | |
POST api/Schedule/GetScheduledGroupReportsForContact | |
POST api/Schedule/DeleteScheduleGroup | |
POST api/Schedule/DeleteScheduledReport | |
POST api/Schedule/GetScheduleById | |
POST api/Schedule/CompileScheduleGroupReport | |
POST api/Schedule/SaveSchedule | |
POST api/Schedule/GetEligibleRecipients | |
POST api/Schedule/NewScheduledReport | |
POST api/Schedule/SaveScheduleGroup | |
POST api/Schedule/NewScheduleGroup | |
POST api/Schedule/NewScheduleGroupReport | |
API | Description |
POST api/Dashboard/MoveDashboard | |
POST api/Dashboard/NewSavedPrompt | |
POST api/Dashboard/NewSavedPrompt_old | |
POST api/Dashboard/GetReportData | |
POST api/Dashboard/NewWidget | |
POST api/Dashboard/NewDashboard | |
POST api/Dashboard/DeleteWidget | |
POST api/Dashboard/GetDashboardById | |
POST api/Dashboard/SaveFavDashboardList | |
POST api/Dashboard/SaveWidget | |
POST api/Dashboard/CopyDashboard | |
POST api/Dashboard/ClearCellPreference | |
POST api/Dashboard/HasCellPreference | |
POST api/Dashboard/SavePromptPreference | |
POST api/Dashboard/SaveDashboard | |
POST api/Dashboard/GetFavDashboardList | |
POST api/Dashboard/SearchDashboardList | Retrieve a list of all dashboards |
API | Description |
POST api/Export/NewMetaDataExport | |
GET api/Export/Download?sessionToken={sessionToken}&filename={filename}&type={type} | |
POST api/Export/ExportKPIMetadata | |
POST api/Export/ExportChartMetadata | |
POST api/Export/ExportChart | |
POST api/Export/ExportKPI | |
POST api/Export/ExportReport | |
API | Description |
POST api/RegServers/GetChildReport | |
POST api/RegServers/GetAdvReportTree | |
POST api/RegServers/GetReportTypes | |
POST api/RegServers/GetModuleList | |
POST api/RegServers/GetReportTree | |
POST api/RegServers/RenameAnyDBModule | |
POST api/RegServers/NewRegServer | |
POST api/RegServers/GetRegisteredServers | |
POST api/RegServers/GetAppModuleList | |
POST api/RegServers/GetAppModuleByID | |
POST api/RegServers/GetRegServersByAppId | |
POST api/RegServers/TestConnection | |
POST api/RegServers/GetTimeZones | |
POST api/RegServers/InsertAnyDbModule | |
POST api/RegServers/SaveRegSrv | |
POST api/RegServers/DelRegSrv | |
GET api/RegServers/Save | |
POST api/RegServers/Remove | |
API | Description |
POST api/App/GetApplicationList | |
POST api/App/SaveApplication | |
API | Description |
POST api/AppBuilder/NewReportType | |
POST api/AppBuilder/NewReportField | |
POST api/AppBuilder/NewSQLTable | |
POST api/AppBuilder/GetAnyDbModulesList | |
POST api/AppBuilder/GetAnyDbModule | |
POST api/AppBuilder/GetTableDef | |
POST api/AppBuilder/GetDataTypes | |
POST api/AppBuilder/DeleteReportType | |
POST api/AppBuilder/RenameReportType | |
POST api/AppBuilder/SaveAnyDbModule | |
POST api/AppBuilder/GetReportTree | |
API | Description |
POST api/AdHocField/NewAdhocField | |
POST api/AdHocField/GetExistingAdhocFields | |
POST api/AdHocField/GetAdHocFieldFromReportTree | |
POST api/AdHocField/GetReportFieldFromAdhoc | |
POST api/AdHocField/CopyField | |
POST api/AdHocField/CompileSQL | |
API | Description |
POST api/Audit/GetAuditTypes | |
POST api/Audit/SaveAuditTypes | |
API | Description |
POST api/Report/CopyReport | |
POST api/Report/MoveReport | |
POST api/Report/NewReport | |
POST api/Report/NewTotals | |
POST api/Report/NewPermission | |
POST api/Report/NewCriteria | |
POST api/Report/GetValues | |
POST api/Report/NewField | |
POST api/Report/GetReport | Retrieve a report from the library that matches the provided report id and that the logged in user has permissions to view |
POST api/Report/GetSQLFunctions | |
POST api/Report/ReportProcUI | |
POST api/Report/SaveReport | |
POST api/Report/GetReportMetadataById | Retrieve a report from the library that matches the provided report id and that the logged in user has permissions too view. |
POST api/Report/ExecuteScheduledReport | |
POST api/Report/GetReportMetadataByReport | |
POST api/Report/ReplacePromptCollection | |
POST api/Report/ReplacePrompt | |
POST api/Report/GetFLK | |
GET api/Report/Download?sessionToken={sessionToken}&filename={filename} | |
POST api/Report/GetReportData | |
GET api/Report/GetReportData?sessionToken={sessionToken}&IsDrillDown={IsDrillDown}&DrillDownCriteria={DrillDownCriteria}&isScheduledOutput={isScheduledOutput}&recipientId={recipientId} | |
POST api/Report/GetFieldValues | |
POST api/Report/ExportReport | |
POST api/Report/PrepareReportData?sessionToken={sessionToken}&ReportID={ReportID} | |
POST api/Report/EmailReportData?SessionToken={SessionToken} | |
API | Description |
POST api/Content/UninstallContent | |
POST api/Content/InstallContent | |
POST api/Content/SampleAppInstallationStatus | |
POST api/Content/InstallSampleAppData | |
POST api/Content/SampleAppStatus | |
POST api/Content/SampleAppEligible | |
POST api/Content/RemoveSampleApp | |
POST api/Content/BuildSampleApp | |
POST api/Content/GetContentList | |
API | Description |
POST api/LicenseManager/GetManualActivationLink | |
POST api/LicenseManager/GetInstallationIdString | |
POST api/LicenseManager/DeleteLicenseKeys | |
POST api/LicenseManager/InstallLicenseKeys | |
POST api/LicenseManager/CheckLicenseServiceStatus | |
POST api/LicenseManager/GetTermsAndConditions | |
POST api/LicenseManager/GetLicenseServiceUser | |
POST api/LicenseManager/ActivateYurbiFromFile | |
POST api/LicenseManager/GetInstallationID | |
POST api/LicenseManager/RequestTrialLicense | |
POST api/LicenseManager/RefreshInstalledLicenses | |
POST api/LicenseManager/GetLicenseProfiles | |
POST api/LicenseManager/ActivateYurbi | |
API | Description |
POST api/Profile/SaveNextGen | |
POST api/Profile/SaveBasics | |
POST api/Profile/GetProfile | |
API | Description |
POST api/Embed/NewEmbedAction | |
POST api/Embed/InitializeEmbedAction | |
API | Description |
POST api/DataFile/RemoveDataFile | |
POST api/DataFile/ProcessUpdateDataFile | |
POST api/DataFile/ProcessDataFile | |
POST api/DataFile/ExcelStartProcess | |
POST api/DataFile/ExcelGetStatus | |
POST api/DataFile/checkdata?value={value}&datatype={datatype}&failOption={failOption} | |
POST api/DataFile/ValidateCol | |
POST api/DataFile/ExcelPreviewData | |
POST api/DataFile/ProcessAdvExcelDataFile | |
API | Description |
POST api/Library/DeleteLibraryItems | |
POST api/Library/MoveLibraryItems | |
POST api/Library/FavReport | |
POST api/Library/UnFavReport | |
POST api/Library/FavDash | |
POST api/Library/UnFavDash | |
POST api/Library/NewLibraryFolder | |
POST api/Library/GetFolderById | |
POST api/Library/DelFolder | |
POST api/Library/SaveLibraryFolder | |
POST api/Library/DelReport | |
POST api/Library/DelDashboard | |
POST api/Library/GetAllLibraryTree | |
POST api/Library/GetListByFolderID | Retrieve a list of all reports and dashboards in the Yurbi library that belongs to the provided Folder ID. |
POST api/Library/SearchReports | Retrieve a list of all reports and dashboards |
API | Description |
POST api/Group/NewSecurityGroup | |
POST api/Group/GetSecurityGroupById | |
POST api/Group/GetAllSecurityGroups | |
POST api/Group/SaveSecurityGroup | |
POST api/Group/DeleteSecurityGroup | |
API | Description |
POST api/Session/RefreshSession | |
POST api/Session/CheckSession | |
POST api/Session/ResetPassport | |
POST api/Session/GetModuleProfile | |
API | Description |
POST api/AppShield/NewPolicy | Retrieve a blank Yurbi AppShield Policy object. |
POST api/AppShield/GetAllAppshieldPolicies | |
POST api/AppShield/DeletePolicy | |
POST api/AppShield/GetPolicyById | |
POST api/AppShield/TogglePolicyState | |
POST api/AppShield/BuildConstraints | |
POST api/AppShield/SaveAppShieldPolicy | Save or update Yurbi AppShield object |
POST api/AppShield/NewConstraint | |
API | Description |
GET api/Values/Get | |
GET api/Values/Get/{id} | |
POST api/Values/Post | |
PUT api/Values/Put/{id} | |
DELETE api/Values/Delete/{id} | |
API | Description |
POST api/SMTP/SaveSMTP | |
POST api/SMTP/DeleteSMTP | |
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