POST GetReportMetadataById
URL: /api/Report/GetReportMetadataById
Retrieve a report from the library that matches the provided report id and that the logged in user has permissions too view. This is used for executing reports.
Data Params
sessionToken : [string],
ReportID: [string],
isTarget: [boolean]
ReportID: "1452853052",
isTarget: false
Success Response
Code: 200
Response will be JSON object that contains the report object and a Prompts object, which will contain and user prompts that need to be processed before the report can be executed. If the Prompts object is empty the report metadata can be sent back to server without change to retrieve the report data.
"Prompts": [
"HasError": false,
"ErrorCode": 0,
"ErrorMessage": null,
"PromptField": {
"Criteria": [
"Field": "Status Code",
"Index": 0,
"Logical": "And",
"Nested": false,
"Op": "= ",
"Value1": "'Prompt for:Status Code'",
"Value2": "",
"bprompt": true,
"bskip": false,
"cond": "Is"
"DbFieldName": "sym",
"DbParentTableAlias": null,
"DbTableAlias": "INCST",
"DisplayFieldName": "Status Code",
"FieldTotals": null,
"Fieldtype": "cha",
"Formula": "",
"RenamedField": "Status_Code",
"ReportFieldName": "Status Code",
"SearchCriteria": "? = 'Prompt for:Status Code'#:#cha#:##:#",
"TotalsSubtotals": "",
"chkflag": false,
"fieldindex": 2,
"grouped": 0,
"strGroup": "/Incident/Status/Status Code",
"strRoot": "",
"tbl10": "",
"tbl11": "And",
"tbl13": "?^= ^'Prompt for:Status Code'",
"tbl5": "Y"
"isSkipable": false,
"isBetween": false,
"isInList": false,
"isLike": false,
"isSkipped": false,
"LowValue": null,
"HighValue": null
"HasError": false,
"ErrorCode": 0,
"ErrorMessage": null,
"PromptField": {
"Criteria": [
"Field": "Priority Code",
"Index": 0,
"Logical": "And",
"Nested": false,
"Op": "= ",
"Value1": "'Prompt for:Priority Code'",
"Value2": "",
"bprompt": true,
"bskip": false,
"cond": "Is"
"DbFieldName": "sym",
"DbParentTableAlias": null,
"DbTableAlias": "PRI",
"DisplayFieldName": "Priority Code",
"FieldTotals": null,
"Fieldtype": "cha",
"Formula": "",
"RenamedField": "Priority_Code",
"ReportFieldName": "Priority Code",
"SearchCriteria": "? = 'Prompt for:Priority Code'#:#cha#:##:#",
"TotalsSubtotals": "",
"chkflag": false,
"fieldindex": 3,
"grouped": 0,
"strGroup": "/Incident/Priority/Priority Code",
"strRoot": "",
"tbl10": "",
"tbl11": "And",
"tbl13": "?^= ^'Prompt for:Priority Code'",
"tbl5": "Y"
"isSkipable": false,
"isBetween": false,
"isInList": false,
"isLike": false,
"isSkipped": false,
"LowValue": null,
"HighValue": null
"HasError": false,
"ErrorCode": 0,
"ErrorMessage": null,
"PromptField": {
"Criteria": [
"Field": "OpenDate",
"Index": 0,
"Logical": "And",
"Nested": false,
"Op": "= ",
"Value1": "'sPrompt for:OpenDate'",
"Value2": "",
"bprompt": true,
"bskip": true,
"cond": "Is"
"DbFieldName": "open_date",
"DbParentTableAlias": null,
"DbTableAlias": "INC",
"DisplayFieldName": "OpenDate",
"FieldTotals": null,
"Fieldtype": "udt",
"Formula": "",
"RenamedField": "OpenDate",
"ReportFieldName": "OpenDate",
"SearchCriteria": "? = 'sPrompt for:OpenDate'#:#udt#:##:#",
"TotalsSubtotals": "",
"chkflag": false,
"fieldindex": 4,
"grouped": 0,
"strGroup": "/Incident/Dates/OpenDate",
"strRoot": "",
"tbl10": "",
"tbl11": "And",
"tbl13": "?^= ^'sPrompt for:OpenDate'",
"tbl5": "Y"
"isSkipable": true,
"isBetween": false,
"isInList": false,
"isLike": false,
"isSkipped": false,
"LowValue": null,
"HighValue": null
"Report": {
"AdHocFields": [],
"ChartFmt": {
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"LegendPosition": 0,
"SeriesDef": [],
"ShowLegend": 0,
"ValueAxisMax": 0,
"ValueAxisMin": 0,
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"isCurrency": false,
"isPercent": false,
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"showlabels": 0,
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"useDiscrete": false,
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"CreatedBy": {
"AllApplications": [],
"AllGroups": [],
"AllRoles": [],
"AppShieldConstraints": [],
"Applications": [
"ApplicationID": "6",
"ApplicationName": "Remedy AR System 7.1",
"ApplicationRoleID": "7",
"ApplicationRoleName": "Architect",
"ApplicationRoleType": "0"
"ApplicationID": "1030",
"ApplicationName": "Google BigQuery",
"ApplicationRoleID": "7",
"ApplicationRoleName": "Architect",
"ApplicationRoleType": "0"
"ApplicationID": "52",
"ApplicationName": "Yurbi v10",
"ApplicationRoleID": "7",
"ApplicationRoleName": "Architect",
"ApplicationRoleType": "0"
"ApplicationID": "50",
"ApplicationName": "Remedy ITSM 7.6",
"ApplicationRoleID": "7",
"ApplicationRoleName": "Architect",
"ApplicationRoleType": "0"
"ApplicationID": "51",
"ApplicationName": "Remedy ITSM 8.1",
"ApplicationRoleID": "7",
"ApplicationRoleName": "Architect",
"ApplicationRoleType": "0"
"ApplicationID": "11",
"ApplicationName": "CA Service Desk r12 ITIL",
"ApplicationRoleID": "7",
"ApplicationRoleName": "Architect",
"ApplicationRoleType": "0"
"ApplicationID": "1026",
"ApplicationName": "test",
"ApplicationRoleID": "6",
"ApplicationRoleName": "Agent",
"ApplicationRoleType": "0"
"ApplicationID": "33",
"ApplicationName": "Yurbi Advanced Reports",
"ApplicationRoleID": "7",
"ApplicationRoleName": "Architect",
"ApplicationRoleType": "0"
"AuthenticationType": "PIN",
"ComboName": "Admin, Yurbi",
"CreateDate": "2011-10-13T14:47:50",
"Description": "Builtin Yurbi Admin account ",
"EmailAddress": "[email protected]",
"FirstName": "Yurbi",
"FullName": "Yurbi Admin",
"Id": "1",
"LastName": "Admin",
"LoginDate": "2016-06-20T13:23:28",
"LoginName": "admin",
"ModifyDate": "2015-06-17T14:52:29",
"Pin": "",
"Preferences": [],
"SecurityGroups": [
"AllRoles": null,
"AllUsers": null,
"CreateDate": "2011-10-13T14:47:51",
"Description": "Yurbi Admins",
"GroupRoles": [
"RoleCreated": "2009-06-29T00:00:00",
"RoleDescription": "Full access to resources assigned to this group",
"RoleID": "1",
"RoleModified": "2009-06-29T00:00:00",
"RoleName": "Admin"
"Id": "1",
"Membership": [],
"ModifyDate": "2011-10-13T14:47:51",
"Name": "Administrators"
"AllRoles": null,
"AllUsers": null,
"CreateDate": "2011-10-13T14:47:51",
"Description": "Yurbi Anonymous Objects",
"GroupRoles": [
"RoleCreated": "2009-06-29T00:00:00",
"RoleDescription": "Read-Only access to resources within this group",
"RoleID": "2",
"RoleModified": "2009-06-29T00:00:00",
"RoleName": "View"
"Id": "2",
"Membership": [],
"ModifyDate": "2011-10-13T14:47:51",
"Name": "Anonymous"
"AllRoles": null,
"AllUsers": null,
"CreateDate": "2011-10-13T14:47:51",
"Description": "All Users",
"GroupRoles": [
"RoleCreated": "2009-06-29T00:00:00",
"RoleDescription": "Full access to resources assigned to this group",
"RoleID": "1",
"RoleModified": "2009-06-29T00:00:00",
"RoleName": "Admin"
"Id": "0",
"Membership": [],
"ModifyDate": "2011-10-13T14:47:51",
"Name": "AllUsers"
"AllRoles": null,
"AllUsers": null,
"CreateDate": "2015-10-21T12:27:41",
"Description": "test",
"GroupRoles": [
"RoleCreated": "2009-06-29T00:00:00",
"RoleDescription": "Edit permissions granted on resources assigned to this group",
"RoleID": "3",
"RoleModified": "2009-06-29T00:00:00",
"RoleName": "Modify"
"Id": "16",
"Membership": [],
"ModifyDate": "2015-10-21T12:27:41",
"Name": "test"
"isAdmin": true,
"isAgent": true,
"isArchitect": true,
"isBuilder": false,
"isConnectBuilder": false,
"isFirstRun": false,
"isSuperAdmin": true
"CreatedDate": "2015-10-16T12:13:14",
"CrossTab": {
"ColMembers": [],
"DataMembers": [],
"DrillDownTarget": "",
"RowMembers": [],
"bTotalCols": 0,
"bTotalRows": 0,
"isPivotDrillDown": false
"DbDriver": "",
"DbLogin": "",
"DbName": "",
"DbPass": "",
"Description": "",
"ErrorCode": 0,
"ErrorMessage": "",
"FieldList": [
"Criteria": [],
"DbFieldName": "ref_num",
"DbParentTableAlias": null,
"DbTableAlias": "INC",
"DisplayFieldName": "Incident#",
"FieldTotals": null,
"Fieldtype": "cha",
"Formula": "",
"RenamedField": "Incident",
"ReportFieldName": "Incident#",
"SearchCriteria": "",
"TotalsSubtotals": "",
"chkflag": false,
"fieldindex": 1,
"grouped": 0,
"strGroup": "/Incident/Incident#",
"strRoot": "",
"tbl10": "",
"tbl11": "",
"tbl13": "",
"tbl5": "Y"
"Criteria": [
"Field": "Status Code",
"Index": 0,
"Logical": "And",
"Nested": false,
"Op": "= ",
"Value1": "'Prompt for:Status Code'",
"Value2": "",
"bprompt": true,
"bskip": false,
"cond": "Is"
"DbFieldName": "sym",
"DbParentTableAlias": null,
"DbTableAlias": "INCST",
"DisplayFieldName": "Status Code",
"FieldTotals": null,
"Fieldtype": "cha",
"Formula": "",
"RenamedField": "Status_Code",
"ReportFieldName": "Status Code",
"SearchCriteria": "? = 'Prompt for:Status Code'#:#cha#:##:#",
"TotalsSubtotals": "",
"chkflag": false,
"fieldindex": 2,
"grouped": 0,
"strGroup": "/Incident/Status/Status Code",
"strRoot": "",
"tbl10": "",
"tbl11": "And",
"tbl13": "?^= ^'Prompt for:Status Code'",
"tbl5": "Y"
"Criteria": [
"Field": "Priority Code",
"Index": 0,
"Logical": "And",
"Nested": false,
"Op": "= ",
"Value1": "'Prompt for:Priority Code'",
"Value2": "",
"bprompt": true,
"bskip": false,
"cond": "Is"
"DbFieldName": "sym",
"DbParentTableAlias": null,
"DbTableAlias": "PRI",
"DisplayFieldName": "Priority Code",
"FieldTotals": null,
"Fieldtype": "cha",
"Formula": "",
"RenamedField": "Priority_Code",
"ReportFieldName": "Priority Code",
"SearchCriteria": "? = 'Prompt for:Priority Code'#:#cha#:##:#",
"TotalsSubtotals": "",
"chkflag": false,
"fieldindex": 3,
"grouped": 0,
"strGroup": "/Incident/Priority/Priority Code",
"strRoot": "",
"tbl10": "",
"tbl11": "And",
"tbl13": "?^= ^'Prompt for:Priority Code'",
"tbl5": "Y"
"Criteria": [
"Field": "OpenDate",
"Index": 0,
"Logical": "And",
"Nested": false,
"Op": "= ",
"Value1": "'sPrompt for:OpenDate'",
"Value2": "",
"bprompt": true,
"bskip": true,
"cond": "Is"
"DbFieldName": "open_date",
"DbParentTableAlias": null,
"DbTableAlias": "INC",
"DisplayFieldName": "OpenDate",
"FieldTotals": null,
"Fieldtype": "udt",
"Formula": "",
"RenamedField": "OpenDate",
"ReportFieldName": "OpenDate",
"SearchCriteria": "? = 'sPrompt for:OpenDate'#:#udt#:##:#",
"TotalsSubtotals": "",
"chkflag": false,
"fieldindex": 4,
"grouped": 0,
"strGroup": "/Incident/Dates/OpenDate",
"strRoot": "",
"tbl10": "",
"tbl11": "And",
"tbl13": "?^= ^'sPrompt for:OpenDate'",
"tbl5": "Y"
"FieldOrder": {
"F_order": "900001900003900007900015"
"FieldSort": {
"Field_Name": "",
"Sort_Method": ""
"FormLayout": [],
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"ReportID": "",
"ReportName": "3 prompt test",
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"ReportName": "3 prompt test",
"Row": 0,
"Tmode": 0,
"argument": null,
"sparkline": 0,
"sparkline_target": "",
"value": null
"LastModifiedBy": {
"AllApplications": [],
"AllGroups": [],
"AllRoles": [],
"AppShieldConstraints": [],
"Applications": [
"ApplicationID": "6",
"ApplicationName": "Remedy AR System 7.1",
"ApplicationRoleID": "7",
"ApplicationRoleName": "Architect",
"ApplicationRoleType": "0"
"ApplicationID": "1030",
"ApplicationName": "Google BigQuery",
"ApplicationRoleID": "7",
"ApplicationRoleName": "Architect",
"ApplicationRoleType": "0"
"ApplicationID": "52",
"ApplicationName": "Yurbi v10",
"ApplicationRoleID": "7",
"ApplicationRoleName": "Architect",
"ApplicationRoleType": "0"
"ApplicationID": "50",
"ApplicationName": "Remedy ITSM 7.6",
"ApplicationRoleID": "7",
"ApplicationRoleName": "Architect",
"ApplicationRoleType": "0"
"ApplicationID": "51",
"ApplicationName": "Remedy ITSM 8.1",
"ApplicationRoleID": "7",
"ApplicationRoleName": "Architect",
"ApplicationRoleType": "0"
"ApplicationID": "11",
"ApplicationName": "CA Service Desk r12 ITIL",
"ApplicationRoleID": "7",
"ApplicationRoleName": "Architect",
"ApplicationRoleType": "0"
"ApplicationID": "1026",
"ApplicationName": "test",
"ApplicationRoleID": "6",
"ApplicationRoleName": "Agent",
"ApplicationRoleType": "0"
"ApplicationID": "33",
"ApplicationName": "Yurbi Advanced Reports",
"ApplicationRoleID": "7",
"ApplicationRoleName": "Architect",
"ApplicationRoleType": "0"
"AuthenticationType": "PIN",
"ComboName": "Admin, Yurbi",
"CreateDate": "2011-10-13T14:47:50",
"Description": "Builtin Yurbi Admin account ",
"EmailAddress": "[email protected]",
"FirstName": "Yurbi",
"FullName": "Yurbi Admin",
"Id": "1",
"LastName": "Admin",
"LoginDate": "2016-06-20T13:23:28",
"LoginName": "admin",
"ModifyDate": "2015-06-17T14:52:29",
"Pin": "",
"Preferences": [],
"SecurityGroups": [
"AllRoles": null,
"AllUsers": null,
"CreateDate": "2011-10-13T14:47:51",
"Description": "Yurbi Admins",
"GroupRoles": [
"RoleCreated": "2009-06-29T00:00:00",
"RoleDescription": "Full access to resources assigned to this group",
"RoleID": "1",
"RoleModified": "2009-06-29T00:00:00",
"RoleName": "Admin"
"Id": "1",
"Membership": [],
"ModifyDate": "2011-10-13T14:47:51",
"Name": "Administrators"
"AllRoles": null,
"AllUsers": null,
"CreateDate": "2011-10-13T14:47:51",
"Description": "Yurbi Anonymous Objects",
"GroupRoles": [
"RoleCreated": "2009-06-29T00:00:00",
"RoleDescription": "Read-Only access to resources within this group",
"RoleID": "2",
"RoleModified": "2009-06-29T00:00:00",
"RoleName": "View"
"Id": "2",
"Membership": [],
"ModifyDate": "2011-10-13T14:47:51",
"Name": "Anonymous"
"AllRoles": null,
"AllUsers": null,
"CreateDate": "2011-10-13T14:47:51",
"Description": "All Users",
"GroupRoles": [
"RoleCreated": "2009-06-29T00:00:00",
"RoleDescription": "Full access to resources assigned to this group",
"RoleID": "1",
"RoleModified": "2009-06-29T00:00:00",
"RoleName": "Admin"
"Id": "0",
"Membership": [],
"ModifyDate": "2011-10-13T14:47:51",
"Name": "AllUsers"
"AllRoles": null,
"AllUsers": null,
"CreateDate": "2015-10-21T12:27:41",
"Description": "test",
"GroupRoles": [
"RoleCreated": "2009-06-29T00:00:00",
"RoleDescription": "Edit permissions granted on resources assigned to this group",
"RoleID": "3",
"RoleModified": "2009-06-29T00:00:00",
"RoleName": "Modify"
"Id": "16",
"Membership": [],
"ModifyDate": "2015-10-21T12:27:41",
"Name": "test"
"isAdmin": true,
"isAgent": true,
"isArchitect": true,
"isBuilder": false,
"isConnectBuilder": false,
"isFirstRun": false,
"isSuperAdmin": true
"LastModifiedDate": "2015-10-16T12:17:00",
"ModType": "r12AHDI",
"ModuleName": "CA Service Desk r12 ITIL",
"OutputFormat": {
"Content": "",
"TypeId": 0
"OutputType": 1,
"Permissions": [
"ErrorCode": 0,
"ErrorMessage": "",
"LeftID": "25",
"Option1": "",
"Option10": "",
"Option2": "",
"Option3": "",
"Option4": "",
"Option5": "",
"Option6": "",
"Option7": "",
"Option8": "",
"Option9": "",
"PermissionTypeEnum": 1,
"RelationShip": 0,
"RelationType": "rpt_grp",
"RelationshipType": "rpt_grp",
"RightID": "0"
"ErrorCode": 0,
"ErrorMessage": "",
"LeftID": "25",
"Option1": "",
"Option10": "",
"Option2": "",
"Option3": "",
"Option4": "",
"Option5": "",
"Option6": "",
"Option7": "",
"Option8": "",
"Option9": "",
"PermissionTypeEnum": 1,
"RelationShip": 0,
"RelationType": "rpt_grp",
"RelationshipType": "rpt_grp",
"RightID": "1"
"PluginId": 0,
"Published": "",
"ReportID": "1444997594",
"ReportType": "Incidents",
"Reportname": "3 prompt test",
"ServerName": "yurbidev1\\sql2012",
"SmartPrompt": 1,
"TimeZone": 5,
"TopN": "0",
"folderid": 25,
"linkreportjoin": {
"field1": null,
"field2": null,
"filter": null,
"joinop": null,
"jointype": null,
"table1": null,
"table2": null
"linkreports": [],
"linkreportunion": []
Definition of DashobardListItem
Name | Description | Type |
Prompts | List of any fields that have criteria that needs to be selected by the user See Prompts | object |
Report | Report object definition. See GetReportById for definition | object |
Definition of Prompts : List of prompt fields.
Name | Description | Type |
ErrorcCode | Error number. 0 means no error. | integer |
ErrorMessage | Empty string is no error. | string |
HasError | Error flag. | boolean |
HighValue | Used for between Operator | string |
isBetween | boolean | |
isInList | boolean | |
isLike | boolean | |
isSkipable | If true the user can click skip and not have to provide any criteria. | boolean |
isSkipped | If the user clicks skip then set this to true so it won’t be processed. | boolean |
LowValue | Value for all other Operators, low value for between. | string |
PromptField | See PromptField below. | object |
Prompts - >PromptField
Name | Description | Type |
chkflag | NA | boolean |
Criteria | Object contains meta data to process the prompt. See criteria below | object |
DbFieldName | Database SQL name. | string |
DbParentTableAlias | Parent SQL table alias if joined. | string |
DbTableAlias | SQL table alias. | string |
DisplayFieldName | App Display field name | string |
ERROR_CODE | Error code number | integer |
ERROR_MESSAGE | Error message | string |
fieldindex | index of field order in report. | integer |
FieldTotals | Definition of totals applied to field. | string |
Fieldtype | Yurbi field data type. | string |
Formula | Field card formula SQL | string |
grouped | Data Grid group, if 0 not groupd. 1 data grid will put field in group. This is not a SQL group by flag. | integer |
RenamedField | Same as ReportFieldName and DisplayName unless user renamed the fieldcard. | string |
ReportFieldName | Name of field provided in architect. | string |
SearchCriteria | Meta data string with criteria def. | string |
strGroup | Path in the report type field tree to the original field selected. | string |
strRoot | NA | |
tbl10 | NA | |
tb11 | Operator to use when applying this fields criteria against other fields criteria. Typically set to “And” | string |
tbl13 | Criteria Meta data | string |
tbl5 | NA | string |
TotalsSubtotals | Definition of subtotals applied to field. | string |
Prompts → PromptField → Criteria List of criteria applied to field
Name | Description | Type |
bprompt | Prompt Flag | boolean |
bskip | skippable | boolean |
cond | conditional, is or is not | string |
Field | FieldName | string |
Index | field index in report definition | integer |
Logical | and/or | string |
Nested | Indicated start or end to nested criteria. Nesting can be applied across multiple fields and criteria. Yurbi will process fields in indexed order and insert parenthesis open/close as needed. | boolean |
Op | =,<.>,between, inlist, empty, null | string |
Value1 | Low for between or primary value for all other Operators. If prompt, will contain meta data string for prompt. | string |
Value2 | High value for between | string |
Sample Call
url: "/api/Report/GetReportMetadataById",
dataType: "json",
data : {
type : "POST",
success : function(r) {